

203, 2020

CBD Oil – Is It Ok for Psychiatric Problems?

March 2nd, 2020|Categories: Depression, Mental Health|

In recent months, many of my patients are wondering if CBD oil is a viable medical alternative for anxiety and depression.  Prior to six months ago, I rarely thought about it.  However, it seems that the marketing has picked up and there are signs, flyers, and numerous products touting the major benefits of CBD.  Whether its topical, oral, or vapor, it appears to be jumping in popularity. CBD is cannabidiol.  It comes from the hemp plant. It does not contain THC, so there is no risk of “getting high”. It is the second most active ingredient in the marijuana plant. As [...]

202, 2020

Loneliness: More Than Being Alone

February 2nd, 2020|Categories: Mental Health|

February is here and it means Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. For some, it’s an exciting time. However, there are many other people that are reminded of how lonely they feel. Loneliness can happen all year and in many different circumstances. It can also be debilitating and lead to numerous physical and psychological issues. Katie, a 22 yo female, came to see me after being referred by several specialists for an anxiety evaluation. She reported that her health was declining and no one could figure out why she felt so bad. She had been feeling “tired and having pain” [...]

701, 2020

Mental Health Resolutions

January 7th, 2020|Categories: Mental Health|

It’s the beginning of a new year.  Typically, we start seeing advertisements for diets, fitness gear, and gyms during the weeks leading up to the new year.  Most people make new years resolutions on what they plan to give up or things that they can control.  What about the things we feel we can’t control?  Is it possible to make resolutions for our mental health as well as our physical health? January can be a good time for self-reflection.  When we focus on the previous year, it is important to think about our mistakes and misjudgments.  Many times, we want to [...]

1612, 2019

Seasonal Blues: What You Need to Know About Treating Cyclical Depression

December 16th, 2019|Categories: Depression|

Lydia, age 32, never realized that there was a pattern to her depression.  “The years just kind of blend together, I knew that I struggled with depression, but it would be on again and off again” she commented in our first appointment in mid- October.  After some discussion it became clear that she was dealing with seasonal affective disorder, aka “the winter blues”.  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is most commonly associated with the dark and cold months of fall and winter.  However, some people experience this cyclical depression in summer as well. Some of us are sensitive to seasonal changes.  In [...]

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